Make An Investment A Message For The Model
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Thursday, May 01, 2014
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So you want to be a model, you want to be in front of the camera, you want to be the center of attention. The best advice that I can give you is to make an INVESTMENT IN YOURSELF and in your career. You have to be able to speak with not only your body but your face, you have to be able to turn it up when the camera is on you and you are center stage, the only way to become the MODEL you want to be is to practice. Professional models don't wait for the cameras to be on them to pose, they pose in front of the mirror for hours perfecting their craft, and they practice their facial expressions and their body language daily. To be the best you can be will take both personal and financial sacrifice, instead of going out to the club go to the gym to make sure you look your best, instead of buying those fancy shoes invest your money in a good portfolio that will get you noticed. Practice makes perfect may be a cliché but it is nothing but the truth, practice before you get to your shoot and make sure that you come prepared for the project and make sure that you are on time. The worst thing that you can do is stand in front of the camera and asks the photographer, what do I do? You never know who will see your images after the shoot is over so make sure you always bring your "A" game to the table. I have had many of my images printed in magazines that were just test shots or personal projects so you never know who will see your images especially in the day of social media.


You have to understand that companies and agencies will GOOGLE you in a flash to see how you represent yourself before they will think about having you represent them. You do not have to be perfect but you do have to be professional, separate your personal Facebook page from you professional modeling page. Your professional modeling page should contain your professional images; avoid cell phone pics and selfies at all costs. Agencies and possible employers do not want to search through images of you in the club or with your friends in order to get to your portfolio so make sure that you keep personal and professional separate. The road to modeling is not cheap but you have to consider some things as an INVESTMENT, you should be prepared to pay for a portfolio shot by a good photographer. Quality images will make you or brake you in a second, good images in your port will definitely get your foot in many doors. I am not saying that you have to pay an arm and a leg but you will have to pay for good photography and trust me it will pay off. You should also pay attention to your wardrobe for all of your shoots, you want to be as versatile as possible so you may want to get with a stylist, trust me when I say that a good stylist will take you to another level. Your makeup and hair should be on point so make sure you have it done by a professional as trying to get your cousin to do it may not work in your favor, high fashion lights are very unforgiving and will expose the smallest flaw in your makeup.


I hope that my advice will help anyone that wants to be a model or just look like one when in front of a camera. The key to being successful at anything is preparation and dedication.


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