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Monday, January 15, 2018
By The Lennz Photography
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You have a business or you are a model that wants to take it to the next level but you also want to get a great deal on your photography services because you know you can get it cheap if you shop around, especially in the digital age where everyone has a great camera or cell phone. I will be the first to tell you that the old saying “YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR” is absolutely true and trying to get the hookup or a favor can do you more harm than you think. When people look at your photos they are looking at how you represent yourself and if you are cutting corners it will definitely show. I see images all the time where the person looks orange or olive and the image is out of focus or poorly edited but yet they are trying to promote a book or cd with these subpar images. Your image must line up with your message and if they are both positive then you will definitely get positive results but if they are looking cheap then you are holding yourself back. To put things in perspective if you won’t cut corners when purchasing the brands of others why would you cut corners when promoting yours? Your photoshoot is an investment not an expense, invest in good photography and your brand will get the notoriety it deserves and in return you will standout above the rest of the pack. Your images should say, hire me or purchase my products. You may find a deal where you get 60 images for $60 but how many of those images will get you hired? How many of those images are edited correctly if edited at all? Please know that I agree you should not break the bank but you should be willing to dip into it for your brand just as you would for any other brand that you invest in. This brief article of course is just my opinion but the next time you are drawn in by a picture to purchase something stop and ask yourself if the pictures of your brand are having the same effect on someone when they are looking at you or your products.

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